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General Practitioners

We believe that many of healthcare’s issues are rooted in administrative burden, not medicine. Full Health’s solution helps you communicate in a scalable way.

Group (1)
GP Care
Johns Hill
The Mall

Key Benefits

Seamless patient management

Our user-friendly platform simplifies administrative tasks, allowing more time to focus on patient care.

Scale your own productivity

Review health assessment reports that leverage advanced algorithms and edit as necessary, increasing your productivity.

Enhanced patient engagement

Our software facilitates meaningful interactions between GPs and patients, fostering a supportive healthcare ecosystem.

How we help GPs

Group 80 (1)

Communicate lab results efficiently

We understand how labour-intensive laboratory result interpretation can be. Our platform has revolutionised this process as well as delivering reports to patients, freeing up valuable doctor time.

Access a suite of medical assessments

Access a comprehensive suite of test profiles covering a wide range of medical categories and specialities. From cardiovascular health to mental well-being, our modules provide valuable insights to support your clinical decision-making.

Group 80

Instant patient reports

Our interpretation engine takes measurements and results and presents them in an accessible format. Reports include green, amber and red indicators based on clinical guidelines covering 50+ physical and behavioural health test profiles.

“We have been using Full Health Medical successfully for the past three years and see its obvious potential for expansion to manage a broader patient population. "

Dr Brian Higgins, Galway Primary Care

See the product in action

Book a call with us and we'll show you how Full Health Medical could support your organisation's health and wellbeing strategy