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With Full Health, move the dial from a reactive to a forward-looking, proactive health management model. Deliver stand-out benefits to your members while reducing health claims and mitigating risks.

6. Laboratorium check

Key Benefits

Scalable offering

Full Health provides a complete digital infrastructure that enables insurers to deliver high volume, high quality, cost-effective services.

Increased engagement

Our platform enhances member engagement by offering personalised health insights and empowering members to take control of their health journey.

Risk mitigation

Our software provides insights into members' health risks. Potential health issues can be identified early on, reducing claims costs and enhancing profitability for insurers.

How we help insurers

Drive business growth

Insurers receive aggregate data reports directly through our provider platform. These reports provide valuable insights into population health status and risk profiles. With our software, insurers can make informed decisions about cover and pricing, improving profitability and customer satisfaction.

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Claim Form

Reduce claims and improve affordability

By accurately assessing members' health risks and providing personalised health insights, insurers can identify potential health issues before they escalate, enabling timely interventions and preventive measures to be implemented.

Increase user engagement and retention

By providing members with an intuitive platform to track their health metrics, insurers foster greater engagement, loyalty, and retention among their customer base.


“We work with Full Health Medical regularly in delivering wellbeing programmes to thousands of our Scheme members each year. In our experience their platform is stable, secure, and regularly enhanced to meet evolving needs, and their operational support is second to none .”

Renee McClean CIP QFA, Cornmarket Group Scheme Benefits Manager.

See the product in action

Book a call with us and we'll show you how Full Health Medical could support your organisation's health and wellbeing strategy