Introducing our latest production release which features new rules on HL7 lab imports,...
Health category update - March 2023
Our health category updates in March included updates to renal, FIT numerical testing, lipid profile, cholesterol and body fat % health categories.

eGFR interpretative output is now integrated into our renal health category.

A red flag will be assigned to symptomatic clients with qFIT >10 μg/g
This update is based on the 2022 joint guideline from the British Society for Gastroenterology and Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland state that in symptomatic patients with qFIT >10 μg/g “ recommend referral on urgent pathway for colorectal cancer investigation”
Lipid profile now includes total cholesterol interpretation. It will no longer be necessary to select both lipid profile and cholesterol in the same product.
The Cholesterol health category will provide interpretation for total cholesterol results only. This health category will remain available to cater for instances where a cholesterol result alone is recorded e.g. point of care testing.